Friday, May 22, 2009

Gov. Parkinson denies military easy access to ballots

We here at the Konnection have been pleased with Gov. Parksinson so far. He demononstrated the type of bipartisan, centrist decision-making we so admire when he compromised to allow for the building of a coal-fired plant in Holcomb, a welcome development that enables our state to move forward with a comprehensive energy policy and address other issues, such as the looming spending cuts. As a former moderate Republican who changed parties not out of ideology but out of self-interest and self-advancement, Parkinson has proven to be a maverick who seems more willing to compromise and find bipartisan solutions rather than scoring points with the Washington liberal elites and far-left blogger community (as Sebelius did).

Well now we must part ways with the new Governor. Today, Parkinson vetoed election reform legislation that would have allowed our military men and women easier access to the polls by registering to vote and casting their ballots online. The entire legislation was vetoed by Parkinson due to the inclusion of a provision which would add a signature and affidavit line to advance ballots--a needed addition to prevent and combat election fraud. Unfortunately, Parkinson found this requirement too burdensome and confusing. It seems that Parkinson's commonsense, centrist pragmatism is giving way to desire to placate the liberal base of the Democratic Party, especially after Kansas Democrats' angry reaction to his compromise on the coal plants and his failure to choose a viable, 2010 contender for governor as his Lieutenant Governor.

The U.S. military turnout in 2006 was an abysmal 17 percent, due in large part to the onerous regulations and requirements that our servicemen and women mail their ballots weeks, even months--in advance, and even then, military ballots are routinely rejected due to technicalities.

Our many thinks to J.R. Claeys, Republican candidate for Kansas Secretary of State, for bringing this story to our attention. As Secretary of State, Claeys will implement crucial election reform to prevent voter fraud and expand voter access, especially to our military men and women. To find out more about Parkinson's veto and J.R.'s candidacy, read J.R.'s blog entry on today's veto: and visit his website:


Anonymous said...

The turnout was likely low in 2006 and 2008 because our soldiers didn't want to vote for socialists OR their democrat opponents.

Anonymous said...

It was lower before that. The barriers in place are ridiculous. More people should be talking about this issue, especially when there is 60% turnout and up among the whole population. Clearly our military cares to vote. The question is, why can't they do it easily when in harms way? Fix it!

Anonymous said...

i thought claeys was the dem candidate for SOS? is this a moderate blog?

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